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Trajectory-modulated hippocampal neurons persist throughout memory-guided navigation


Authors: Nathaniel R. Kinsky, William Mau, David W. Sullivan, Samuel J. Levy, Evan A. Ruesch, Michael E. Hasselmo
Publication: Nature Communications
Published Date: May 15, 2020
Article Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-16226-4?__hssc=91116613.9.1608896461…


Trajectory-dependent splitter neurons in the hippocampus encode information about a rodent’s prior trajectory during performance of a continuous alternation task. As such, they provide valuable information for supporting memory-guided behavior. Here, we employed single-photon calcium imaging in freely moving mice to investigate the emergence and fate of trajectory-dependent activity through learning and mastery of a continuous spatial alternation task. In agreement with others, the quality of trajectory-dependent information in hippocampal neurons correlated with task performance. We thus hypothesized that, due to their utility, splitter neurons would exhibit heightened stability. We find that splitter neurons were more likely to remain active and retained more consistent spatial information across multiple days than other neurons. Furthermore, we find that both splitter neurons and place cells emerged rapidly and maintained stable trajectory-dependent/spatial activity thereafter. Our results suggest that neurons with useful functional coding exhibit heightened stability to support memory guided behavior.

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